Fire Protection System
GEC package fire pump system consists of pumps ,driver , controllers and accessories mounted on a common base frame .
High quality UL/ FM certified component are used in these systems complying with the requirements of NFPA 20 .
All complying wiring betwen controllers and drivers are done at factory prior to shipment

The FKO Knock out is a new and revolutionary firefighting agent , Which is lightweigt, small and easy to use . The product starts working at lighting speed upon contact with fire . Its low price point now makes it possible for everyone to use.
We supplies UL certified fire pumps that comply with the highest international standards. Fire pumps are a crucial part of a fire sprinkler system and will form an important part of your building's fire protection system.

Wet sprinkler system are essential in buildings as theywill help prevent the spread of fires while saving lines and properties . Oue speinklers are equipped with the hatest technology and will respond quickly in the event of a fire.
GEC provide FM200.co2 system which are bassed on many years experience in the desgn , supply installation and commissioning of gaseous firefighting system .

Green Energy Corpoation promotes firefighting system by providing innovative life solution all under one roof. Green Eenergy corporation offers a wide range of world class fire protection equipment , trucks and vehicles, fire pumps and controllers , fire protection system , extra low voltage soltions medical, safety.